Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Wanton Wednesday: Power Hungry Blade Babe

The weather is finally suitable enough for me to do some spring cleaning. Tomorrow I plan to clean my weapons collection, which consists of around 30 swords, which all need oiling to prevent the blades from degrading over time. The job is pretty messy, and the fumes can get to me, so I prefer to do it outside on a warm dry day. Weapons and swords are one of the things I truly love in life and respect. I would never use them foolishly and they are mostly for decorative use. I do own a few which are for martial arts training, but they are very basic. 

When holding a sword I do get an immense rush of power. This often leads me to feel more dominate and playful. Oddly swords don’t seem to provoke this if used in a bedroom setting, probably because I understand how dangerous they can be. Also, I’m not sure I would trust myself with a sword in a bedroom setting, as I can often lose control, giving into my dominating urges. 

They are rather pretty though ;) 

Wanton Wednesday


  1. I do love girls with swords.

    1. I agree, girls and guys with swords are pretty hot ;-)

  2. They indeed are rather pretty, and so are you ;)

  3. That's a beautiful blade, for sure!

    xx Dee

  4. something sexy about a women welding a sword hmmmm

  5. A beautiful sword wielded by a beautiful woman! You leave me with equal parts arousal, admiration, and fear. :)


  6. That's one sexual.. Sword. It's rude to have your back to the audience though!

  7. Oh, quite pretty! I do love a bit of steel ;)

    ~Kazi xxx

  8. That is a bloody sexy image!


    1. Thank you, I did take one where the blade is 'cutting' into my back, but it didn't come out too well due to the lighting.


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